Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …

Rickard Falkvinge: Sweidsh Government Loses Its Integrity, Turns Over Two Swedish Citizens of Somali Origin for Rendition to USA, Without Informing Their Lawyers, Without Due Process

Two Swedes Renditioned To The US, Possibly To Death Penalty, In Secrecy And Without Lawyers’ Knowledge Posted: 04 Jan 2013 12:34 AM PST Process of Law – Henrik Alexandersson:  Mid-November, two Swedish citizens with Somali origins were renditioned from Djibouti to a prison in the United States of America. According to the US, they are …

Paul Craig Roberts: Does Truth Have a Future in America?

Does Truth Have A Future In America?  EXTRACT: Hope or no hope, truth is becoming harder to come by. During the Vietnam war when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, the New York Times published them. However, during the Iraq war when a National Security Agency whistleblower leaked the information to the New York Times …

Anthony Judge: Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! Be where the Four Hoarsemen of the Apocalypse are not?

Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! Be where the Four Hoarsemen of the Apocalypse are not? Introduction Being wary of “legality” Being wary of “accountability” Being wary of “marketability” Being wary of “security” Systemic implications of “horsemen” and “hoarsemen” and correspondences between them Being wary of the Four Hoarsemen acting together Being where and how …

Richard Wright: Michael R. Davidson, CIA DO SIS (Ret), Comments on Steele & OSINT with Steele Response 2.1

UPDATE 2 Dec 2012:  Wright update, Steele update, at end of original post. As received: On the Linkedin Group, “Intelligence and Security”, a member started a discussion on open source intelligence using a quote from your [forthcoming chapter], “The Craft of Intelligence.” Davidson (a self proclaimed “former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer”) made such a wildly ignorant …

Dolphin: Iclanders Approve Their Crowdsourced Constitution

Real democracy, technologically-enabled. Iclanders Approve Their Crowdsourced Constitution Iceland’s citizens were given a chance to help forge a new constitution for their country through Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they backed the resulting draft. Now it’s over to the politicians. A constitution is a deeply serious thing: the bedrock of a country’s …