Chuck Spinney: Sick People at the Aspin Summit III — What Do the Men of Empire Have in Common with Captain Ahab?

Below is Professor Michael Brenner’s take on this question. AMERICA’s MOBY DICK Michael Brenner University of Pittsburg, 28 July 2013 Captain Ahab’s obsessive hunt for Moby Dick was driven by the thirst for revenge. The great white whale had maimed Ahab – in soul as well as body. Ahab was consumed by the passion to …

Chuck Spinney: Sick People at the Aspen Summit — “Extermination” Fantasies of the Empire

What kind of people are running American?  Here are some insights. Shocking ‘Extermination’ Fantasies By the People Running America’s Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit Security Forum participants expressed total confidence in American empire, but could not contain their panic at the mention of Snowden. AlterNet / By Max Blumenthal, July 25, 2013  Seated …

Stephen E. Arnold: Autonomy – New Kind of Search? Or Does Search Suck Even More These Days?

Autonomy: A New Kind of Search? Autonomy was founded in 1996. That was 17 years ago. In my upcoming KMWorld column for August/September, I point out that search, content processing, and even analytics have been consistent for many years. There are a number of reasons for the “sameness” of systems and the corresponding difficulty prospects …

Stephen E. Arnold: Free DoD Book about Ethical Behavior

Free DoD Book about Ethical Behavior Ethical behavior in the intelligence community is an important consideration. What does the Department of Defense do to assist its personnel in navigating the often-churning waters of day-to-day decision making? The Department of Defense publishes in Microsoft Word format a compendium of stories about ethical lapses in the Department …

Owl: Putin Switches to Typewriters — Are All Computers Compromised?

Is Going Back to Typewriters the Answer? “In Russia, President Putin’s office just stopped using PC’s and switched to typewriters.  What do they know that we don’t? Perhaps it’s Intel NSA inside.” The NSA has been incredibly thorough in nailing down every possible way to tap into communications. Yet the one company’s name that hasn’t …