Worth a Look: SIPRI 10 June Taking Stock

FULL SOURCE ONLINE About Dr. Bates Gill (US), New and seventh Director, Stockholm International Peace Research Intitute Most interesting sentence: The number of civilians mandated for roles in United Nations missions has increased, as has the number of multilateral civilian peace missions. Yet, the international community’s record in strengthening civilian capacities in peace operations is …

Journal: The Loss of Moral Imagination–Israel AND the USA

Henry Siegman, the author of this article in the Israeli daily, Ha’aretz, is a distinguished Jewish American.  He  has written some of the most thoughtful and cogent criticisms of Israel’s occupation policies, prominent among these are Israel’s Lies and The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam, both published in the London Review of Books. Israel’s …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Anti-Piracy Without A Clue…

Somalia anti-piracy patrol: Reuters Africa published a report that European Union foreign ministers are expected to extend the bloc’s anti-piracy mission off the coast of Somalia for another year next week. Rear Admiral Peter Hudson, Commander of the European Union Naval Force Somalia, said he expected a new extension of its mandate which expires in …

BP’s Corrosive History in Alaska Spill, Safety Fraud, Destroying Whistleblowers, and Bush Re-Election Campaign

Smart Pig: BP’s OTHER Spill this Week by Greg Palast for Buzzflash.com Friday, May 28 2010 With the Gulf Coast dying of oil poisoning, there’s no space in the press for British Petroleum’s latest spill, just this week: over 100,000 gallons, at its Alaska pipeline operation. A hundred thousand used to be a lot. Still …