Berto Jongman: John McAfee Vows to Make Internet “Impossible to Hack” + Internet/Human Intelligence Meta-RECAP [Bottom Line Up Front: Internet without Intelligence and Integrity is Noise]

John McAfee vows to make Internet ‘impossible to hack’ By Dan Nakaso >Posted:   09/24/2013 05:38:37 PM PDT | Updated:   a day ago SAN JOSE — Anti-virus software pioneer John McAfee, who buried himself in the sand to hide from police in Belize, faked a heart attack in a Guatemalan detention center and …

SchwartzReport: Banks Owning Infrastructure, Laundering Money Via Reposession Process

The 2008 crash was just the first step. Our economy is being taken over by banks, as this report describes. This is happening because the Obama Administration permits, even encourages this trend, and the Congress has been bought through PACs and lobbying. This is happening because the firewall between banking and commerce has been breached …

Chuck Spinney: Robert Parry on CIA within CIA Coup Against Jimmy Carler

Below is a very important report (all of it below the line), written by Robert Parry, one of the best investigative journalists in what is left of the news business. As I explained here, the most powerful form of conflict is the M&M strategy waged a the moral level of conflict. The M&M or Motherhood and Mismatch …

Eagle: New March on Washington for Civil Rights + Black Liberation RECAP

New March on Washington focuses on modern civil rights WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands gathered today on the nation’s “front yard,” the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial, yearning for a bit of the transcendent sense of racial unity heralded on this spot by Martin Luther King 50 years ago in his “I Have a …

Review: The Media Ecosystem — What Ecology Can Teach Us About Responsible Media Practice

Antonio Lopez 5.0 out of 5 stars A unique and timely integrative overview with many original insights, August 22, 2013 I received this book as a gift, and am glad that I did as I normally would not have noticed it, bought it, or reviewed it. I hope my review will inspire others to buy …