Chuck Spinney: Imperial Idiocy Wrecks Middle East (Fruits of Treason) — End of Sykes-Picot Betrayal, Five Inter-Mixed Conflicts, Return of the Tribes

Patrick Cockburn has written a very important essay on Syria in the London Review of Books (attached below).  The essay is aptly titled but has only a few oblique, albeit important, references to Sykes – Picot Agreement, a document some readers may not familiar with.  Let’s begin with a little background. The Sykes-Picot agreement (it …

SchwartzReport: Japan Solar Power Replaces Seven Nuclear Reactors — In ONE YEAR

The Germans have done it. The Japanese are doing it. We remain in the grip of the carbon energy barons. Japan: The World’s New Star in Solar Power FORTUNE — Until recently less than 1% of Japan’s electrical power output came from renewables. But following the catastrophe of Fukushima and the power blackouts that followed, …

Josh Kilbourn: VIDEO from Hong Kong — Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind revelations of NSA surveillance — REACTIONS + New Details

Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA’s history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill and Laura Poitras in Hong Kong, Sunday 9 June 2013 • Q&A with …

Berto Jongman: NASA Raises Threat Level on Space Storms — Could Black Out US East Coast from 16 Days to 2 Years — They Neglect to Mention Option That Avoids All Damage

Space Storm Could Black Out US East Coast for Two Years – Expert WASHINGTON, June 4 (by Karin Zeitvogel for RIA Novosti) – Severe space “weather” can knock out satellite communications and GPS systems, expose space tourists and astronauts to dangerous levels of radiation, and even cause massive blackouts on Earth that could last up …

Mini-Me: Next Corporate Revolution Will Be Power to the Peons — Bureaucracy is Now Officially Toxic

Huh? The next corporate revolution will be power to the peons ‘Bureaucracy has to die,’ says business consultant at CITE Conference (see video below) Computerworld – SAN FRANCISCO — Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Intel have something in common: They all came late to the mobile revolution. Why? Because they’re companies where management is top-down and …

Allen Roland: Honoring Chalmers Johnson, Prophet of Truth + Empire Meta-RECAP

Prophet for a Dying Empire Every dying Empire has its truth telling prophet and America had its own with Chalmers Johnson. Johnson correctly compared the decay of the American empire, with its well over 600 overseas military bases, with the fall of the Roman Empire whereas the Senate becomes a wealthy corporate club and irrelevant …