2012 Reality Sandwich: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny

How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny Robert David Steele Vivas Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012 For six weeks in early 2012 I ran for the office of President of the United States of America.  I was accepted by the Reform Party (one of six accredited national parties completely shut out of the …

Chuck Spinney: Analysis of Cost of Neo-Con Idiocy on Iran

The attached essay by investigative journalist Robert Parry is an excellent — and important — summary of the trashing of the Iranian nuke deal in 2010. CS How Neocons Sank Iran Nuke Deal Exclusive: Iran is resuming talks over its nuclear program with leading international powers – the United States, Britain, Russia, China, France and …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Reality Sandwich, 10 April 2012 Robert David Steele Vivas The National Security Agency (NSA) mega-data center, combined with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) special relationship with Google, and the federalization of local police using Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds to pay for monitoring both the locations …

#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.  ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.  COALITION CABINET is the method.  INTEGRITY is the core value.  COMMONWEALTH RESTORED is the outcome. Occupy Revolution OccupyWallStreet (Home Site) Original Electoral Reform Documents (Updated) We the People Reform Coalition   25 March 2012 Penn Badgley …

Review: Republic Lost – How Money Corrupts Congress – and Plan to Stop It

Lawrence Lessig 5.0 out of 5 stars Diplomatically Provocative — A Foundation, Not a Structure, March 22, 2012 I come late to this book but my review will be much more detailed and useful than most others now posted, including the several that I voted for. I received it this afternoon and it has absorbed …