4th Media: US Attacks Centeral America – Time for CELAC to Create a Regional Counterintelligence Corps?

The U.S. Counterattack in Central America After the recent summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), at which the U.S. was not represented, Washington is trying to get revenge in Central America. On February 2 presidential and parliamentary elections took place in El Salvador and Costa Rica. Most predictions indicated the …

Chuck Spinney: Corruption in Congress – The Iron Triangle

Revolving Door Syndrome in the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex The Best Government Money Can Buy by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, COUNTERPUNCH, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 Those of you who think it is incorrect to attach “Congressional” onto the the end of Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) would be well advised to read “Lawmaker holds stock in defense contractor he …

Ecuador Initiative: Integrated Societal Metabolism

ECUADOR INITIATIVE: Transition Proposals Toward a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society Sponsored by the National Institute of Advanced Studies of Ecuador, carried out by the Free/Libre Open Knowledge (FLOK) Society. MuSIASEM in Depth Source Page MuSIASEM is an open framework able to take into account the economic, environmental, social, cultural, technical and political dimensions in an …

Worth a Look: Michio Kaju on The Future of the Mind

The New York Times best-selling author of Physics of the Impossible, Physics of the Future and Hyperspace tackles the most fascinating and complex object in the known universe: the human brain. For the first time in history, the secrets of the living brain are being revealed by a battery of high tech brain scans devised by physicists. Now what was once solely …

Berto Jongman: Mind Control in the 21st Century – Overview of the State of the Art and Future Prospects

Mind Control in the 21st Century-Science Fiction & Beyond Pravda, 05.02.2014  By Steven DiBasio ***Part One*** Conspiracy Theory? “Mind control” is a topic commonly perceived as “conspiracy theory” or “X-Files” fare. That is, it is seen as possibly not “real,” and certainly not something about which one should be “overly” concerned. This attitude at least …

Gregory Kulacki: DSB Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform + Strong Comment

Defense Science Board Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform Gregory Kulacki Union of Concerned Scientists, 28 January 2013 About the author: Gregory has lived and worked in China for the better part of the last twenty-five years facilitating exchanges between academic, governmental, and professional organizations in both countries. Since joining the Union of Concerned …