John Boik: Advanced Economics – Economic Direct Democracy and Open Source Everything

It seems we are in basic agreement on the problems that society faces.  You rightly emphasize the coercive nature of income inequality.  And, IMHO, you rightly emphasize the role that open-source, open-data, open-design, widening-commons, etc. must play in a better, functional society. Please allow me to explain the strategy behind my project. In a nutshell, …

Owl: Ebola Eugenics, Ebola Profits, Ebola Contagion at US Summit?

Ebola: Has the Great Cull Begun Using the 21rst Century’s Spanish Flu? In a recent post that Wayne Madsen has since removed, he answered this question affirmatively – that Ebola is the chosen agent by the Elite to achieve their population reductions goals. Even if one has doubts about such a theory, everything expressed in …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Cover-Up by Margaret Thatcher, Broad Loss of Public Trust in Key Institutions, Victims Against MPs Coming Out

Margaret Thatcher ‘personally covered up’ child abuse allegations against senior ministers The Tory Prime Minister is said to have held a meeting with a rising star, who was tipped for promotion, and told him: “You have to clean up your sexual act” The extraordinary claims. … go to the very heart of claims that there …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia USA – NSA, Pentagon, Blackmail — Much More to Come…

The U.K. Political Pedophile Ring Scandal is Just The Tip of the Iceberg – The Full Story is Much More Disturbing The full scope of the political pedophile ring scandal in the U.K. can’t be fully appreciated without looking at the other side of the Atlantic SGCNews, 8 July 2014 Full Story with Three YouTubes …

Owl: Political Cover-Up of Epidemic Potential of Illegal Aliens – Medical Staff at Immigration Camps Threatened with Arrest

Medical Brown Shirts in America “”A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas,” reports Todd Starnes of Fox News. The truth about the infectious diseases being carried …

Berto Jongman: UK Pedophile Ring Includes 20 former Members of Parliament

Child abuse claims: Paedophile gang ‘included 20 ex-MPs’ There is evidence at least 20 prominent paedophiles – including former MPs and government ministers – abused children for “decades”, a former child protection manager has claimed. Peter McKelvie, whose allegations led initially to a 2012 police inquiry, said a “powerful elite” of paedophiles carried out “the …