Tikkun: Israel Lobby Subverting US Congress For War On Iran

Editor’s Note: Please be aware that “the Israel Lobby” is not equivalent to “American Jews.” As MJ Rosenberg notes, most American Jews are far more progressive than the organizations that officially speak for them (because most American Jews are not affiliated with those organizations). The Israel Lobby gets much of its strength from a minority …

4th Media: Saudia Arabia Act of War Against Iran — Israeli Involvement?

Beirut Bombing: Attacks Target Iranian Embassy, 23 Killed, 146 Injured: “An Act of War by Saudi Arabia Against Iran” Two blasts near the Iranian embassy in Beirut killed at least 23 people, injuring 146 and causing havoc and a massive fire in the Lebanese capital. Six buildings were reportedly destroyed in the embassy compound.   …

4th Media: Israeli Babylon Network Dishonest to the Core — a Global Thief Shocks Even Google Evil Into Banning Them

Google Bans Israeli Babylon Internet giant Yahoo! announced on November 10, 2013, that it won’t end its revenue sharing contract with Israeli Babylon, despite Google terminating its similar contract on November 30. Google provided above 40% of Babylon’s revenues during the second quarter of 2013; Yahoo! provided over 30%, which amounts to almost $20 million. …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Attached is a thoughtful essay in which Israeli war hero (1948), ex-Knesset member, and peace activist Uri Avnery examines the likenesses and differences between Israel and Apartheid South Africa. Chuck Spinney ————————————————– WEEKEND EDITION OCTOBER 25-27, 2013 South African Apartheid was Brought Down by the Blacks Themselves Is Israel an Apartheid State? by URI AVNERY, …

Berto Jongman: Sunni-Shia Schism — US Has No Clue and Continues to Prostitute Itself to Saudi Arabia and Israel

How the Sunni-Shia schism is dividing the world The unprecedented Saudi refusal to take up its Security Council seat is not just about Syria but a response to the Iranian threat The Muslim world’s historic – and deeply tragic – chasm between Sunni and Shia Islam is having worldwide repercussions. Syria’s civil war, America’s craven …

David Swanson: Two Kind’s of Countries – Israel’s Dangerous Path

Two Kinds of Countries: Israel’s Dangerous Path There are two kinds of countries or societies or places to live. In the first kind, decent, fair, kind, and respectful treatment of every person takes precedent over anyone’s preferences for how a culture changes or how much effort is expended trying to slow the change of a …