Eagle: I Can’t Take It Anymore! When Will The Government Quit Putting Out Fraudulent Employment Statistics?

I Can’t Take It Anymore! When Will The Government Quit Putting Out Fraudulent Employment Statistics? On Friday, the entire financial world celebrated when it was announced that the unemployment rate in the United States had fallen to 8.3 percent. That is the lowest it has been since February 2009, and it came as an unexpected …

John Robb: Drone Diplomacy – Comply or Die + Meta RECAP

Drone Diplomacy: Comply or Die Gunboat diplomacy was the essence of military power projection for centuries. Want to coerce a country? Sail a aircraft carrier battle group into their national waters. However, carrier battlegroups are hideously expensive, increasingly vulnerable to low cost attack, and less lethal than they appear (most of the weapons systems are …

Gordon Duff: Roadmap to Reconstructing America or Reagan – Bush Crime of the Century?

Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America Gordon Duff Veterans Today, 28 January 2012 We Weren’t Going to Stay Stupid Forever When the Cold War ended, a secret fund planned for by President Ronald Reagan had been set aside to rebuild America, pay off the national debt and reward Americans for decades of sacrifice.  This …

Eagle: Obama’s SOTU “Urinating on Public Intelligence”

Obama’s “State of Delusion Address”: Rebuilding America With War Crimes by Finian Cunningham From beginning to end, Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech was replete with delusion and falsifications. His promise of building an “America that lasts” was predicated on a sentimental, but utterly disingenuous notion of selfless teamwork. The invocation of American military …

Marcus Aurelius: Rule One for Spies – Do Not Work Out of Embassies . . . Hmmmm

Guess CIA did not get the memo. Michael Ross: Rule No. 1 for would-be spies — stay away from the embassy Michael Ross is a former deep-cover officer with the Israel Secret Intelligence Service (Mossad). National Post, 24 January 2012 I have to admit that the arrest of alleged spy Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle has …

Mini-Me: Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths

Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths: Ezra Klein Bloomberg, 11 January 2012 EXTRACT: Believing the Unbelievable To buy much of this requires you to hold deeply ridiculous beliefs about the American economy. You must believe that Obama bears responsibility for events that predate his presidency and deserves applause for the demand created by aging …