Glen Brynteson: Intelligence Programs ROI

Intelligence Programs: ROI Calculations ROI #1) Increased Win-Rate ROI #2) Upselling to Existing Customers ROI #3) Saving In-Jeopardy Existing Customers Phi Beta Iota: An excellent common sense article.  It misses one major area: identifying completely new needs from existing and new customers that no one else is addressing, being first to market with those offerings.

Matt Taibbi: In the Age of Trump, Will Democrats Sell Out More, or Less?

In the Age of Trump, Will Democrats Sell Out More, Or Less? The collapse of the GOP gives the Democrats an opportunity to abandon “lesser evilism” — but they probably won’t EXTRACT The Democrats could take this godsend of a Trump situation and use it as an opportunity to finally have a healthy primary season …

2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes

The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes CounterPunch, 6 July 2015 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has released the National Military Strategy. As a propaganda document, presenting weakness as strength and seeking to gain trust in that which should not be trusted, it is stellar. By naming four main enemies (Russia, Iran, …

Hans Kern Interviews Robert Steele for Rag ‘n Rock: World Brain II.0 or How We Should End Secrecy and Learn to Harness the Hive Mind

World Brain II.0 How We End Secrecy and Harness the Hive Mind Robert Steele is unusual for an American… he is clearly internationalist in his orientation. He has written a book that can bring us together in facing our greatest enemies: ignorance, poverty, and mistrust. Rear Admiral Hamit Gulemre Aybars, Turkish Navy (retired) A conversation …

Michel Bauwens: The Transition Will Not Be Smooth

Tip of the Hat to Jean Lievens. Michel Bauwens: The Transition Will Not Be Smooth Sailing This is an English translation of Arthur De Grave’s interview in French. Cross-posted from OuiShare. Michel Bauwens is one of the pioneers of the peer-to-peer movement. Theoretician, activist, and public speaker, he founded the P2P Foundation in 2005. His work, both …

John Congdon: Public Banking – Golden Rule Network Connecting Individual Equity with Fractional Reserve Banking Reach

Proposed: that communities create Capital Asset Partnership Trusts (CAPT) in the context of a larger Golden Rule Network The potential monetized value of equity in real property is tremendous. In the U.S. alone the equity in home ownership is $8.2 trillion. As well, there is the other huge pool of capital with the equity present …