Cynthia McKinney: US & Israel Against Africa & Arabia

Cynthia McKinney, 10 October 2011. Third of Four Installments on Libya: Israel and Libya Once again, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya peels away the veneer of legitimacy and deception enveloping the U.S./NATO genocide currently taking place in Libya. In his first article, Nazemroaya exposed the mechanism by which the world came to “know” of the need for …

Tom Atlee: Paul Krugman Gets It – Protesting Rigged System

Panic of the Plutocrats By PAUL KRUGMAN New York Times, October 9, 2011 It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America’s direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of …

Marcus Aurelius: WSJ on Viet-Nam War – Lack of Integrity

Well, this is harsh w/r/t Westy… Wall Street Journal October 8, 2011 Pg. C5 Bookshelf The War Over The Vietnam War By Max Boot Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam. By Lewis Sorley, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 416 pp., $30 September 2006. Violence levels are spiking in Iraq. Every day brings reports of more suicide bombings, …

Review (Guest): Democracy Incorporated – Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism

Sheldon S. Wolin Editorial Review: Of the many books I’ve read or skimmed in the past seven years that attempted to get inside the social and political debacles of the present, none has had the chilling clarity and historical discernment of Sheldon S. Wolin’s Democracy Incorporated. Building on his fifty years as a political theorist …

Alessandro Politi: Need for Euro to Default As a Group, Nail the Banks and Restore Integrity of Global Economy (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Phi Beta Iota:  This brilliant analysis cuts deeply to two core points: that a tiny handful of banks have been controlling 90% of the debt and manipulating the destruction of economies — shorting the Euro as well as the US dollar — and that governments have not been acting together.  He neglects two fundamentals: the …