Reflections on Revolution, Information & Civil Affairs

The globalisation of revolution Taral Barlaawi Al Jazeera, 21 March 2011 Revolutions are caused by human agency; not telecommunications technologies, scholar argues. To listen to the hype about social networking websites and the Egyptian revolution, one would think it was Silicon Valley and not the Egyptian people who overthrew Mubarak. Via its technologies, the West …

Event: 1-2 June London Cyber-Security Summit

Program as of March 2011 Phi Beta Iota: Those organizing, and those named as confirmed and invited, are the “creme de la creme” of the old regimes.   There isnt’ a hacker, autonomous internet, cloud, anonymous/transparency, open anything participant in the whole lot.  And the youth–by invitation only, as if the organizers have any legitimacy among …

The Cyber Racket

In the fall of 2010, CACI of Arlington, a major player in the U.S. government’s cyber security business, held a symposium entitled “Cyber Threats to National Security,” in partnership with the U.S. Naval Institute to discuss the issue of Cyber Security. CACI is chasing roughly $2 billion worth of cyber-related contracts over the next few …

Google Moves Voice into Cloud, Offs the Telecomms

Google Voice discovered allowing pure VoIP calls Google Voice users learned late Monday that the service now has a way of making purely Internet-based phone calls. Making a SIP call with a “sip:” prefix, the Google Voice phone number and skips the conventional phone network entirely, saving users cellphone minutes. Disruptive Telephony tested it …