Marcus Aurelius: Jennifer Sims Party Line on Military Clandestine Service with Robert Steele Comment + RECAP

Here we go again…. Why the CIA Is Applauding the Pentagon’s Intelligence Grab Jennifer Sims Foreign Affairs, May 18, 2012 Last month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced the creation of a new U.S. espionage agency: the Defense Clandestine Service, or DCS. DCS is expected to expand the …

Review: Hard Measures – How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives

Jose Rodriguez and Bill Harlow 3.0 out of 5 stars 5 as Personal Memoir, 1 for Nonsense About “Hard Measures”, May 3, 2012 As a memoir of time in the CIA bureaucracy and occasional righteous deeds in the field, the book is a must read along with a handful of others by former case offices …

Penguin: US/UK Perpetuate Soviet False Flag Model + Meta-RECAP

Phillip Knightley: When is a terror threat not a terror threat? Let’s ask a man called Felix… All intelligence services rely on convincing the public there is a monster at large waiting to grab them The British undercover agent in the underpants bomb plot that has emerged so sensationally in recent days, was recruited using …

DefDog: CIA Claims Double-Agent, New Set of Explosive Underpants

Double agent infiltrated AQAP bomb plot? This whole thing leaves me believing that something rotten is going on in Langley…..from my work I know the following: AQ did not conduct operations based on historical dates.  Infiltrating AQ was the hardest task we faced. In fact, the CIA and other IC elements always preached that it …