How Chris Christie Can Win — State Rights, Electoral Reform, Fantasy Cabinet, & More

DISCLOSURE: My focus is on restoring integrity to the electoral and governance process, not on a particular candidate. I have offered these ideas to other candidates including Donald Trump and Jon Huntsman and will observe that Bernie Sanders in particular refuses to contemplate the reality that 60% of our voters are disenfranchised. If we are …

Review (Guest): The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

From the Shadows of the Cold War: the Rise of the CIA by Ben Terrall in CounterPunch Veteran journalist David Talbot, founder and former editor-in-chief of Salon, doesn’t skim over the surfaces of things. . . . Talbot’s new book, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, is …

Mongoose: Elliot Higgins & BellingCat Blown

Comments by Abe made in response to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) “A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack,”, provide compelling indictment of Elliot Higgins and BellingCat, pretenders in the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) world who have taken in the gullible in the mainstream media. We find these comments so useful we are …