Marcus Aurelius: Rule One for Spies – Do Not Work Out of Embassies . . . Hmmmm

Guess CIA did not get the memo. Michael Ross: Rule No. 1 for would-be spies — stay away from the embassy Michael Ross is a former deep-cover officer with the Israel Secret Intelligence Service (Mossad). National Post, 24 January 2012 I have to admit that the arrest of alleged spy Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle has …

Josh Kilbourn: Obama to Use Pension Funds of Ordinary Americans to Pay for Bank Mortgage “Settlement”

Obama to Use Pension Funds of Ordinary Americans to Pay for Bank Mortgage “Settlement” Naked Capitalist, 23 January 2012 EXTRACT: The president seems to labor under the misapprehension that crimes by members of the elite must be swept under the rug because prosecuting them would destablize the system. What he misses is that we are …

Howard Rheingold: Twitter, Curation, Future of Information

Twitter acquisition confirms that curation is the future Mathew Ingram Gigaom, 21 January 2012 Twitter made an interesting acquisition on Thursday, when it bought a young Canadian startup called Summify, a company whose service (as its name implies) was designed to cut through the noise of all those social-media streams and summarize the content that …

Chuck Spinney: Spain Blocks Scotland For Wrong Reasons

Thanks be to Tony Blair and Bill Clinton for giving us the Kosovo narco statelet — a gift that keeps on giving.  Think of the opportunities after achieving the near-term options discussed below: Occitania and Bretagnia, Flemishia and Walloonia, and then to the big game: Schleswigia, Bavaria, Thuringia, Pomerania, Silesia, Prussia and the endless opportunities to …

Review (Guest): Intel Wars – The Secret History of the Fight Against Terror

Matthew M. Aid 5.0 out of 5 stars Inside the Secret World,January 16, 2012 By Retired Reader (New Mexico) This is an interesting and informed account of how the major players of the U.S. Intelligence Community have conducted what the administration of President George W. Bush usually called the Global War on Terror. In the …