Chuck Spinney: Toxic Alliance – Neo-Cons and “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) War-mongers

This email continues the theme I introduced with How Obama’s Rhetoric Reinforces America’s Grand Strategic Pathway to Catastrophe. Attached beneath my introduction is an brilliant essay, The Dangerous Neocon-R2P Alliance, written by Robert Parry of Consortium News.  Parry describes how propaganda produced by this domestic alliance of convenience among a non-representative minority of unelected influence peddlers …

SchwartzReport: Alzheimer’s Break-Through Blocked by Grant Approval Mind-Sets Locked into Past Failures

This has the potential to be a tremendous breakthrough, It reminds of the the shift in research concerning ulcers. Twenty Years of Alzheimer’s Research May Have Focused on the Wrong Protein ELIZABETH LOPATTO – The Daily Beast Phi Beta Iota: Whether it’s the National Science Foundation or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or DARPA/IARPA, …

Chuck Spinney: Todd Pierce on Cheneyism — Are We the New Nazis?

Todd Pierce has produced a tour de force that is crucially important to your appreciation of the increasing possibility of Cold War II. Related subjects not discussed include (1) the role of domestic politics in shaping the systematic expansion of NATO in violation of our promises to Gorbachev as a quid pro quo for ending …

Berto Jongman: Ukaine – More on Sniper Provocateurs

US, NATO, CIA supporting nazis in Ukraine project The overthrow of the government of Ukraine was an armed coup d’état ordered, planned, organized, funded, carried out and executed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Pentagon, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and their surrogates in the European Union (EU) using every instrument at …

Review (Guest): The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man

Luke Harding Ed Snowden and the American tribal fear meme, February 19, 2014 By  Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal”   This is a story about what one American saw atop the tip of an iceberg called the “American national security state.” In the end, Ed Snowden, a 29-year old, $200,00/year High School dropout turned Computer Systems …