CONNECT First, the Collective Intelligence Will Happen Naturally

An Idea Worth Spreading: The Future is Networks Venessa Miemis. March 16 2010 Emergent by Design This weekend I experienced a snowcrash; a moment where the seemingly disparate pieces of information floating in my head came together. A synapse fired, a new connection was made, and I was brought to a new level of consciousness, a …

Journal: Get America Working-A Conversation Part IV Enter usfruct (husbandry of the planet) and Spiritual Ecology

Harrison Owen: Well said. And I rather suspect that the core of the matter is deeper than Culture – and that would be an extended conversation. But it is certainly not about rule change and redesign, I think. Alexander Carpenter: Right on, as your imminent study of evolutionary psychology will confirm. I reckon we don’t …

Journal: Rabbi Michael Lerner, Barack Obama, and the Washington Cesspool Update

Save Obama – by running against him By Michael Lerner The Washington Post Saturday, December 4, 2010 EXTRACT:  The basic platform for such a candidate is clear: Unequivocally call for an immediate end to the presence of U.S. troops, advisers and private U.S.-based security firms in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, and replace the “war on …

Worth a Look: The New Capitalist Manifesto

The Worst Trade in the World It’s often said that America’s an uncompetitive economy–unable to produce stuff that satisfies global demand. Hence, a yawning current account deficit. I’d say the reality’s harsher. America’s caught in a toxic, self-destructive relationship with the globe’s second most significant economy. In short, it’s making the worst trade in the …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: US, Venezuela, Libya…

Venezuela- US: For the record. The Caracas government seized two factories owned by U.S.-based glass maker Owens Illinois, because it caused “environmental damage and exploited workers,” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on 25 October. Today Venezuelan soldiers took possession of the factories. Venezuela-Middle East: President Chavez said his government and Libya are creating a $1 …