Carnegie Council Competitive Ethics Just Business: Two Interviews on Competitive Intelligence – Richard Horowitz and Cynthia Cheng Correia

Two Interviews on Competitive Intelligence – Richard Horowitz and Cynthia Cheng Correia Carnegie Council Competitive Ethics Just Business July 3, 2012 JULIA TAYLOR KENNEDY: Welcome to Just Business. I’m Julia Taylor Kennedy. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man.” One field that …

John Steiner: From Israel, Call for Politics of Heroism versus Hope

Phi Beta Iota:  The full combination of pieces is strongly recommended as  a total read.  The contributing author whose work has been forwarded by Brother John makes a fundamental ethical and intellectual mistake, assuming that there is a significant difference between the Democratic and Republican parties.  Not so.  This is not an either/or choice between …

Michel Bauwens: Is Open Source Hardware Creating an Open World?

Is open hardware creating a more open world? Feature | April 25, 2012 | By Adrian Giordani international science grid this week Just as retro ideas from a bygone era can inspire modern fashion, film, and TV trends, today’s researchers are being empowered by the revival of an innovative technology concept from the past: open-source …

Chuck Spinney: Hardware Über Alles in the Spendagon — Paneta Pumps Corporate Profits While Veterans Commit Suicide + Meta-RECAP

Hardware Über Alles in the Spendagon (Note to Readers, the following essay is a revised version of one that appeared in Time Magazine’s Battleland blog found at this link.) For a good example of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex’s (MICC’s) value system — which is hardware before ideas and people — read this New York Times column by Nicholas …

Paul Craig Roberts: ObamaCare — and TSA Searching Traffic on Easter Sunday

What is ObamaCare? Growing up in the post-war era (after the Second World War), I never expected to live in the strange Kafkaesque world that exists today. The US government can assassinate any US citizen that the executive branch thinks could possibly be a “threat” to the US government, or throw the hapless citizen into …