Review: 75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make A Difference

Phenomenal Overview, Reference, Exceeded Expectations October 18, 2009 Glenn Croston I bought and read this book along with Green Intelligence: Creating Environments That Protect Human Health and Careers in Renewable Energy: Get a Green Energy Job. This book is everything I could have wanted and more–it exceeded expecations. For each of 75 “opportunities” sorted within …

Event: 7-12 Nov 09 Dubai, International Desalination World Congress

The IDA World Congress will take place November 7-12, 2009 in Dubai, UAE, at the Atlantis Resort on the Palm. Attendees will include end-users (utilities), manufacturers and suppliers, government officials, consultants, researchers, financiers and members of academia. Under the theme “Desalination for a Better World,” the Congress will address environmental and energy impacts of desalination …

Reference: Mobile Learning Displaces Distance Learning, Offers Hope for Five Billion Poor

2004 Going Nomadic: Mobile Learning in Higher Education EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 5 (September/October 2004): 28–35. Bryan Alexander The combination of wireless technology and mobile computing is resulting in escalating transformations of the educational world. The question is, how are the wireless, mobile technologies affecting the learning environment, pedagogy, and campus life? To answer …

Journal: Shrinking Arctic ice will stretch a shrinking U.S. Navy

Small Wars Journal By Robert Haddick August 7, 2009 Climate change and reduced sea ice cover may result in opening up the Arctic to vastly increased resource development and commercial traffic. These trends will inevitably spark international conflicts and create a need for more military forces to provide security and protect interests in the Arctic …