Search: osint tools for data collection

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is predominantly a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) endeavor.  The US Government (USG) has not only failed to be serious about OSINT (and thereby deliberately foresaken all possibilities of doing intelligence with integrity for Whole of Government), but it appears to have eliminated all possibilities for OSINT progress by eliminating all positions with …

Reflections on Inspectors General

Short URL: Executive Reading (Printable 10-Pages): 2013 Steele Reflections on Inspectors-General 1.7 Updated 6 October 2012 Version 1.7 When I was selected for an interview to be the Defense Intelligence Senior Leader (DISL) for Human Intelligence (HUMINT) at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), it was General Ron Burgess, USA  and Ms. Tish Long that …

Yoda: Social Science and Biology Share Contagion Meme

A NEW KIND OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR THE 21st CENTURY A Conversation with Nicholas A. Christakis EDGE, [8.21.12] These three things—a biological hurricane, computational social science, and the rediscovery of experimentation—are going to change the social sciences in the 21st century. With that change will come, in my judgment, a variety of discoveries and opportunities …

Mini-Me: Secret World Has a New Story Line — Sharing TOO MUCH (We Do Not Make This Stuff Up….)

Huh? Intell community’s new problem: Sharing too much data Rutrell Yasin GCN Sep 19, 2012 After a Nigerian man attempted to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear while aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Dec. 25, 2009, critics and the media accused intelligence agencies of still being in silos and …

Mini-Me: Italian Court Confirms Convictions of CIA Personnel for Rendition & Torture – Way Now Clear for Formal Extradition Request

Huh? Italy court upholds American convictions in CIA case ROME (AP) — Italy’s highest criminal court on Wednesday upheld the convictions of 23 Americans in the abduction of an Egyptian terror suspect from a Milan street as part of the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program, paving the way to possible extradition requests by Italian authorities. The …

Patrick Meier: Social Mobilization via Six Degrees of Separation with Comment

Six Degrees of Separation: Implications for Verifying Social Media Posted on September 18, 2012 | Leave a comment The Economist recently published this insightful article entitled” Six Degrees of Mobilisation: To what extent can social networking make it easier to find people and solve real-world problems?” The notion, six degrees of separation, comes from Stanley Milgram’s [small world] …