Bill Gates: “I Had No Clue — Boy Was I Naive” — $1 Billion Down the Drain — Along with Money from Bloomberg, Rubenstein, Stayer, and Zuckerman….

Gates’ ‘Grand Challenges’ result in few payoffs Bill Gates used the word “naive” — four times — to describe himself and his charitable foundation. It was a surprising admission coming from the world’s richest man. But the Microsoft co-founder seemed humbled that, despite an investment of $1 billion, none of the projects funded under the …

The Footbridge at Fairfax County — Reinventing Democracy

Three weeks ago the Fairfax County Park Authority destroyed a perfectly good footbridge built by the Miller Heights Neighborhood Association over a decade ago, one of three that enabled hundreds of people and their dogs to walk the full length of the stream trail, with views of running water and birds, including our neighborhood heron, …