Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Direct Testimony on Google Perfidy (Zach Vorhies)

NOTE: The source is sporadically blicked and often at risk to total deplatforming. Below the fold is a partial backup copy of testimony.  Good news: Google/Yahoo may have accepted Trump threat/offer and are now playing straight.  This remains to be proven over time. We’re in a Full-Blown War Zach Vorhies on Partial copy below …

Betty Boop: #GoogleGestapo — Google Atrocities in Detail

Google — a dictator unlike anything the world has ever known Story at-a-glance Robert Epstein is a Harvard trained psychologist who has exposed how Google is manipulating public opinion through their search engine so they can change the results of elections and many other important areas His research shows how Google is using new techniques …

Penguin: #GoogleGestapo Web 3.0 Thoughts from Bradley Stephenson UPDATE Anon AR Comments

Alert Reader Brad Stepheson writes in: I’m writing to provide some of my industry perspective from within an open source community project focused on foundational elements of Web 3.0. You are very much keyed-in on the importance of Web 3.0 decentralization, re “…G Gestapo”, censorship, etc.. I recall you’ve broached this during many of your …

Robert Steele: #GoogleGestapo Displacement Update — LYBRY

LYBRY OVERVIEW What if anyone in the world could publish a piece of digital content, anyone else in the world could access it, for free or for payment, and that entire system worked end-to-end without any centralized authority or point of control? LBRY is a free, open, and community-run digital marketplace. Build the future of …

Ed Jewett: #GoogleGestapo Twitter Bans Dissent — Deep State Marches On, Zionist Foreign Agent Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as Shock Troops for Digital Assassination — Drone “By Name” Assassination Next?

Social Media Censorship Reaches New Heights as Twitter Permanently Bans Dissent “… The deep state is working hand in hand with Silicon Valley social media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google to control the flow of information. That includes suppressing, censoring and sometimes outright purging dissenting voices…. that one of the world’s most influential social …