Jim Dean: Asian Boomerang — China Calls for Security Alliance with Iran and Russia — Changes Dynamics for Afghanistan, Middle East, North Africa

China Calls for Security Alliance with Iran, Russia Editor’s Note: Well, it looks like Obama the Peacemaker image took another hit today. China, which has no overseas military bases and no carrier battle groups sailing the seas to defend its customers, considers itself a target and not a threat. Imagine that! The US “divide and …

Berto Jongman: Out of Africa – $2 Trillion Since 1970 — Low Estimate?

Out of Africa: The great money migration Almost $2 trillion has left Africa illicitly since 1970, thwarting poverty reduction and economic growth. This is far more than the external aid the continent received over the same period, and almost five times its current external debt. According to researchers, the continent also loses at least $100bn …

NIGHTWATCH: UN & AU Lack Intelligence (Strategic, Operational, Technical) in Central African Republic

Central African Republic (CAR): Update. Six Chadian peacekeepers were killed on 25 December in Bangui, probably by Christian militias because the Chadians are Muslims. On the 26th, assailants armed with heavy weapons, according to press reports, attempted to attack the presidential palace in Bangui, but were repulsed by loyal troops. Some local experts conjectured that …

Chuck Spinney: Peter Van Buren – Any More U.S. “Stabilization” and Africa Will Collapse

Any More U.S. “Stabilization” and Africa Will Collapse By: Peter Van Buren Monday December 23, 2013 10:39 am South Sudan is at the brink of civil war and societal collapse History is just one of those hard things to ignore, especially in South Sudan. In 2011, the U.S. midwifed the creation of a new nation, …