Reference: Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy’s Last Safe Haven

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy’s Last Safe Haven One of the oddest bits of news to emerge from the economic collapse of Cyprus is a corresponding rise in the value of Bitcoin, the Internet’s favorite, media-friendly, anarchist crypto-currency. In Spain, Google (GOOG) searches for “Bitcoin” and downloads of Bitcoin apps soared. The value of …

Rickard Falkvinge: Why Bitcoin Is Poised To Change Society Much More Than The Internet Did

Why Bitcoin Is Poised To Change Society Much More Than The Internet Did Posted: 03 Apr 2013 12:52 PM PDT Swarm Economy:  There is a bitcoin craze at the moment, with prices of bitcoin skyrocketing. Bitcoin is still far from ready for prime time, but as it matures, it will change society’s fundamental operations much …

Rickard Falkvinge: Swarm Economy and BitCoin, Plus Pirate (People’s) Parties Rising in Iceland & Croatia

Why Expensify Endorsing Bitcoin Is A Really Big Deal: Social Virality Swarm Economy: Yesterday, news broke that the Expensify service has enabled bitcoin payments. With the rapidly expanding number of businesses accepting bitcoin as payment method, one could think that this was merely another player in the pool of bitcoin’s expanding economy (which just broke the …

Rickard Falkvinge: Target Value For Bitcoin Is Not $50 Or $100. It Is $100,000 To $1,000,000.

Target Value For Bitcoin Is Not$50 Or $100. It Is $100,000 To $1,000,000. Swarm Economy:  Bitcoin’s value is at an all-time high again. Following the hype peak and crash in 2011, many seemed to have thought it was just another dotcom fluke. But bitcoin was much more than that, and it has returned with a …

John Robb: Bitcoin is surging out of start-up status

JOURNAL: Bitcoin is getting past start-up cruft A Bitcoin wallet ID for me: 18YYkAMVyZVt6gzpZvBEF5RgsJ7aT7a8Yh Bitcoin, the digital currency system, is starting to mature. As is always the case, maturity isn’t based on age (weak correlation) or success level. It’s based on experience. More specifically, maturity is based on how many difficulties the system overcomes. The …