Yoda: E-Democracy & Blockchain Content (Links)

Tip of the Hat to the Staff of Humanitad, founded by Sacha Stone BLOCKCHAIN BASED E-DEMOCRACY / E-GOVERNANCE DEVELOPMENTS ARAGON https://aragon.one DApp to create and govern DAO´s (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations) also working on some sort of digital jurisdiction. DISTRICT0X https://district0x.io District oriented network of decentralised markets (collaborating with ARAGON)

Ty Simpson: Vladimir Putin – Russia Will Be First BlockChain SuperPower

Suddenly Vladimir Putin Meets Vitalik Buterin, Endorses Ethereum Russia has a chance to become one of the leaders in the global IT industry. Even though details of the meeting between Putin and Buterin are kept under the seal of secrecy, one detail leaked – the president is ready to give full support for the development …

Ty Simpson: How Blockchain Could Create World’s Largest Supercomputer

How blockchain can create the world’s biggest supercomputer Ben Dickson, Crunch Network “The biggest challenge for supercomputing is the demand to compress time,” says Jerry Cuomo, vice president of Blockchain for Business at IBM. “Business processes must now be completed at a significantly faster pace than before. The result is that the demand for computing …

Stephen E. Arnold: Goring the Oxen — Palantir, Facebook, Google — and Noticing Steele’s Idea for Open Source Micro-Payments in Blockchain

From My Palantir Archive: Security With Socom embracing Palantir for maybe three years, my question is, “Does Palantir have safeguards in place which will make a third Buzzfeed type article a low probability or 0.000001 event? Yikes, two articles based on what may be leaked internal information. What happens if sensitive military information goes walkabout? …