Berto Jongman: 20,000 DNC Emails Showing Malfeasance Now Posted by WikiLeaks with Thanks to Guccifer

WikiLeaks posts 20,000 DNC emails WikiLeaks has published 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee. The leak, which also includes 8,000 file attachments, went live on Friday morning.  WikiLeaks bills it as part of its “new Hillary Leaks series.” “The leaks come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis …

Berto Jongman: Hillary Kills Again? DNC Staffer Scheduled to Testify Against Her Gunned Down…

He was a DNC staffer and deputy director  Data for Voter Protection/Expansion; He was going to testify against Hillary Clinton. Homicide: 2100 Block of Flagler Place, Northwest Detectives from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Homicide Branch are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred in the 2100 block of Flagler Place, Northwest on Sunday, July 10, 2016. …

Can Bernie Sanders Break the DNC Rigging of the Super-Delegates? A Game Plan…

Sanders for President by Breaking the Super-Delegates? The Game Plan for Winning and Governing with Intelligence and Integrity Robert David Steele After Bernie won the New Hampshire primary, many progressive organizations figured out the daunting superdelegate math for Bernie, and started calling for the superdelegates to vote according to their state outcomes rather than their …

The 2022 Midterm – Yet Another Steal

  (Joachim Hagopian) -Turning to this week’s Big Event – the US midterm election result, it’s proven to be yet another scam election. But then how can we honestly expect a different result if the identified problems that rigged the stolen 2020 election have never been fixed?

Joachim Hagopian: The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity

The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death.                  David Martin, PhD., intellectual property-patent expert, U. of Virginia School of Medicine professor[1] Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled …