Michelle Monk: Head of IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud

Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud The head of the International Monetary Fund arrived in the dock of a Paris courtroom today as she braced herself to be formally charged with embezzlement and fraud. Christine Lagarde’s humiliation is not only a massive personal blow which could lead to her resignation, but one …

Mini-Me: Air Force Nuclear Rotten; Nuclear Budget Waste to Point of Treason — Where, We Ask, Does the Buck Stop on This Nonsense?

Huh? AP Exclusive: Air Force sidelines 17 nuclear missile officers; commander cites ‘rot’ in system WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel demanded more information Wednesday after the Air Force removed 17 launch officers from duty at a nuclear missile base in North Dakota over what a commander called “rot” in the force. The Air Force …

Search: tactical versus strategic intelligence + Meta-RECAP

An important question — the USA no longer does strategic intelligence and it has never done Whole of Government operational or tactical intelligence.  The $60B secret world is largely worthless at all four levels of analysis: STRATEGIC:  Next Generation near, 100 years our far OPERATIONAL:  Whole of Government regional and threat/topic based campaign plans, harmonized …

Gold Transformer: US Secretly Deploys B-1 Strategic Bombers, E-6 “Doomsday” Planes Near North Korea

US Secretly Deploys B-1 Strategic Bombers, E-6 “Doomsday” Planes Near North Korea First the US fanfared the placement of two F-22 Raptors in the Osan airbase of South Korea. Then it demonstratively launched a B-2 stealth bomber on a training mission over a South Korean gunnery range. Then it deployed an anti-ballistic missile defense system …

NIGHTWATCH: US is Escalating NK Crisis — NK Positioned to Hit Guam + RECAP

North Korea-US: Warning. Today’s General Staff statement and the detection of an intermediate-range ballistic missile at an east coast site indicate the North Koreans are ready to launch a missile without additional warning. Miscalculation and misperception could lead to a missile firing. The statement contains language in the official English translation that announces North Korea …

Winslow Wheeler: GAO (A Legislative Entity) Plays Courtesan to Lockheed, DoD, and the Congressional Recipients of Lockheed Largesse + F-35 RECAP

DOD is circling the wagons to keep the F-35 propped up in the declining Pentagon budget.  Importantly, as noted by a prime Lockheed mouthpiece offering his thankfulness for it, GAO’s newest report on the F-35 offers a conclusion that the F-35 is on track for improvement–the data notwithstanding.  In point of fact, what the GAO conclusion …

Chuck Spinney: Treason Thy Name is F-35A aka “Acquisition Malpractice”

Below is more insight into the disgraceful state of affairs of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the largest program in DoD’s history.  This commentary by Winslow Wheeler, Director of the Strauss Military Reform Project, is based on the information in yet another official Pentagon DOT&E report.  Read it and weep … I especially uge that …