Yoda: Most Americans Can’t Afford to Pay Rent, Eat Food, Buy Stuff, or Get Sick (And It’s Just Going to Get WORSE)

Alert Reader writes in: Most Americans Can’t Afford to Pay Rent, Eat Food, Buy Stuff, or Get Sick (And It’s Just Going to Get WORSE) “A recent study found that more than 63 percent of American children and 55 percent of Americans live in “asset poverty”. This means they have few or no assets to …

J. C. Cole: Memorandum for the President on Near-Term Potential for Collapse of US Food Supply Chain

MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 20 June 2019 Subject: Near-Term Potential for Collapse of US Food Supply Chain 1. Background. America imports 50% of their food. Of the other 50% we produce ourselves, 80% is grown in the mid-west and 20% of that is grown in California severely regionalizing it. The average …