Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

6 STAR Wake Up Call for All Educators August 19, 2010 Curtis J. Bonk UPDATE 21 Aug 2010 to add two graphics. I’ve seen educators struggle to herd their faculty cats, hire staff under industrial-era rules, and strive to accommodate students that know more than their professors about anything outside the “teach to test” topic. …

Review: SnowCrash

WARNING: This is the GERMAN language edition. For English see Snow Crash (Bantam Spectra Book). I received this book as a gift at one of the Silicon Valley Hackers/THINK Conference where I was elected to membership in 1992 or so, and it remains for me the first window into the cyber-chaos that results when CIA …

Reference: Indexing & Seaching Information Timeline

From Cave Paintings to the Internet A Chronological and Thematic Database on the History of Information and Media See source for sort options. Short Version: Circa 250 BCE Earliest Surviving Monolingual Dictionary 1938 H. G. Wells and the “World Brain” July 15, 1955 Eugene Garfield  Foundation of Citation Analysis 1973 Henry Small Discovery of Citation …

Review: Understanding Knowledge as a Commons–From Theory to Practice

Almost a Three–Ambitious Title, Narrow Focus November 29, 2009 Charlotte Hess An MIT publication from 2007, this is actually knowledge from the 2000-2004 timeframe, and it is annoying narrow knowledge written from legal-economic point of view. Well-intentioned, no doubt, this is not the “inter-disciplinary” work that it claims to be, and I demonstrate restraint in …

About the Journal of Public Intelligence (JPI)

The purpose of the Journal of Public Intelligence (JPI) is to sharply distinguish the nature of public intelligence (decision-support) that is in the public interest and also openly available to the public, as opposed to secret intelligence (mostly secret information, not actually decision-support), and to serve as the primary free onlined source for Multinational, Multiagency, …