Marcus Aurelius: New York City In Your Pants – And Now Able to Shoot Down Airplanes

With CIA Help, NYPD Moves Covertly In Muslim Areas Associated Press, 24 August 2011 NYC police chief: We can shoot down airplanes CBS News, 26 September 2011 Phi Beta Iota:  On the one hand, NYPD’s capabilities are vastly exaggerated.  They’re still feeling their way, wasting enormous human and financial resources, “because they can.”  On the …

2004 Briefings in Italy on The New Craft of Intelligence

2002 FAILURE of 20th Century Intelligence 2004 COLLECTION: Know Who Knows 2004 PROCESSING: Make the Most of What You Know 2004 ANALYSIS: All-Source Analysis, Making Magic 2004 NEW RULES for the New Craft of Intelligence Note: Ms. Carol Dumaine of CIA’s Global Futures Partnership was also invited and authorized by CIA to present at the …