Reference: Topic Maps and the Semantic Web

Full Briefing (33 Slides) See Also: Graphic: Topic Maps How We Really Think Graphic: Topic Maps and How We Think Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Douglas Engelbart Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Pierre Levy

Reference: Network Organization=Movement Success

Network organisation for the 21st century Harry Halpin and Kay Summer, Will the upsurge in activity around climate change and the food crisis repeat the cycle of the movement of movements over the past decade – momentary visibility then dissolution? Harry Halpin and Kay Summer say ‘yes’, unless different models of organising are embraced. …

Worth a Look: Turbulence–Ideas for Movement

Turbulence is a journal/newspaper that we hope will become an ongoing space in which to think through, debate and articulate the political, social, economic and cultural theories of our movements, as well as the networks of diverse practices and alternatives that surround them. Tip of the Hat to Pierre Levy at LinkedIn.

Journal: BRICS Innovate Externally Not Internally

How BRIC Innovators Will Defeat You Michael Schrage 11:13 AM Thursday October 14, 2010 For reasons yet unclear, BRIC companies and entrepreneurs now consume roughly half my professional time. The Brazilian, Russian, Indian, and Chinese (BRIC) managers I meet are as sharp, credentialed, energetic, and hungry as their Silicon Valley or Rte. 128 counterparts. Sometimes …