Reference: Religion, Science, & Philosophy

2012 is a year of awakening, and a year of convergence.  Inspired by two books by Capt Doug Johnston, USN (Ret), Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft (1995) and Faith-Based Diplomacy–Trumping Realpolitik (2003), our collective concept of public intelligence has treated faith as essential and integral to the advanced Information Operations (IO) Cube. Ref A:  …

Review (Guest): Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion–Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature

Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown 5.0 out of 5 stars Eloquently written review! Best of Class. Congratulations! February 16, 2010 By Kenneth J. Garcia “Jazz Is …” (Baltimore, Maryland United States) In my early 20’s, circa 1973, I questioned why each culture had it’s own distinct religion much like they spoke a distinct tongue? …

Journal: Sacred Music from a Time of Peace Among Religions

From Jerusalem to Cordoba Here’s a press release for a performance I’m co-producing with Scoop Sweeney: AUSTIN – Catherine Braslavsky and Joseph Rowe will bring their musical performance, “From Jerusalem to Cordoba,” from Paris to Austin on December 3, 7pm at St. David’s Episcopal Church, Bethell Hall, 301 E. 8th St., Austin, 78701-3280. The performance …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Religion

Religion Review: American Fascists–The Christian Right and the War On America Review: American Gospel–God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation (Hardcover) Review: Dogs of God–Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors (Hardcover) Review: Fighting Identity–Sacred War and World Change (The Changing Face of War) Review: God’s Politics–Why the Right Gets …