Ray McGovern: Russian “Bounties” the New Deep State Lie — Last Frantic Gasp from RussiaGate

RAY McGOVERN: Russiagate’s Last Gasp One can read this most recent flurry of Russia, Russia, Russia paid the Taliban to kill GIs as an attempt to pre-empt the findings into Russiagate’s origins. Late last night the president tweeted: “Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not …

Breaking: DNI Clapper Complicity in Lying About Seth Rich and Russian Witchhunt?

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Following Last Week’s Release Attorney Clevenger Alleges Office of DNI Has Communications Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – Russia Collusion a Lie! ROBERT STEELE:  Jim Clapper is totally fucked.  This puts him right up there with John Brennan for a one way ticket to Guantanamo. Gina Haspel is also fucked — Chief of …

DefDog: A Russian View on Fake Pandemic

4 main purposes:  1) Depopulation initiative; 2) Political control over the remaining population; 3) Deflation of the current financial bubble; 4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors Phi Beta Iota: Or it could be creative destruction prior to resurrection.

Robert Steele: Gold War Against Russia and 9/11 Complicity? — Another Reason to Hang John Brennan (and Buzzy Krongard) After Due Process of Law . . .

John Durham investigation intensifies focus on John Brennan Jerry Dunleavy, Washington Examiner As Durham intensifies against Brennan, I would like to be sure that Brennan’s start as a war criminal is not overlooked. Brennan, who is a political toady analyst, not a case officer, got his start as a political criminal when George Tenet (himself …