American Thinker: Obama, Paneta, Brennan, McRaven All Lied About Bin Laden — Epitaph for a Treasonous Duplicitious Presidency?

How did Osama bin Laden really die? By Susan Daniels American Thinker, 15 May 2020 Phi Beta Iota: An excellent short summary. Obama, Panetta, Brennan, and McRaven all appear to have lied to the public and sentenced Special Forces personnel to death for political  theater. As usual, Robert Steele called it out from day one …

Mongoose: Is HR 6666 So Treasonous As to Demand Citizen Over-Throw of the House In November? Is the GOP Leadership That Hates Our President Complicit In This Treason?

Alert Reader writes in: If this bill were to pass, is there perhaps a VERY large class-action lawsuit embedded in this Constitutional over-reach? From the Declaration of Independence: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, …

Martin Armstrong: Gates-Fauci Treason in the Open — Call for Special Prosecutor

Gates & Fauci Conspiracy (+ Birx? Treason?) The conspiracy between Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci is in the open. We now have Fauci saying the same thing as Gates – the country will NEVER return to normal until everyone is vaccinated against this pretend virus. Fauci has suggested that until a vaccine is developed, we …