Philip Roscoe: YouTube (21:46) True Cost of Economics – Is Economics a [Very Immature Dangerous] Way of Thinking?

The True Cost of Economics Leading management thinker Philip Roscoe argues that economics is not a science, it’s a way of thinking – one that, over the course of the 20th century, has come to dominate the decision-making of both individuals and governments. Every day we make choices – where to live, what to eat, …

Reform Coalition: “True Cost” Economics & Genuine Progress + True Cost RECAP

Definition of ‘True Cost Economics’ An economic model that seeks to include the cost of negative externalities into the pricing of goods and services. Supporters of this type of economic system feel products and activities that direct or indirectly cause harmful consequences to living beings and/or the environment should be accordingly taxed to reflect the somewhat hidden costs.

Mongoose: Could Modern Science Hit Unethical Companies Hard? Can a Public Demand for the Truth at Any Cost Stop 5G?

Modern Science Could Hit Unethical Companies Where It Hurts The underhanded tactics Monsanto and other chemicals makers use to hide the dangers in products like Roundup are perfectly legal. But it’s getting harder to keep the mounting evidence secret. Phi Beta Iota: Worth a look but hypocritical in that academia and media have been happy to be …

Penguin: Blockchain-Based Internet Computer Buries Amazon and Google (10% of their energy, time, and cost) — Autonomous Internet? Not Quite But a Good Start

Blockchain-Based ‘Internet Computer’ Gets $61M from Andreessen Horowitz and Polychain Top Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and Polychain Capital, a cryptocurrency hedge fund, have invested $61 million in Dfinity Foundation, a firm that intends to connect multiple computers together using blockchain to build an “Internet” computer. When the network was tested last year, …

Yoda: Indonesia’s True Cost of Fire

Corruption costs…. $47b? Indonesia counts costs of haze Besides financial setback, its reputation and relations with neighbours are also at risk Phi Beta Iota: This is what happens when both governments and corporations lose sight of true cost economics and holistic analytics.