Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13)

SHORT URL: A very erudite and principled individual, albeit poorly informed on the matter of the Zionist parasite in the USA, led me to believe that President Donald Trump will never accept help from Cynthia McKinney (or me) because of our deep-seated views on the matter of Zionism as a parasite that has hollowed …

DefDog: Richard Nixon, Marlon Brando, Most Jewish Thought Leaders, Agree – Zionist Influence in the USA Must be Terminated

Hollywood’s Agenda, and the Power Behind It By Mark Weber Text of address given at the “Hollywoodism” conference in Tehran, Iran, on Feb. 6, 2013 In 1972, during a private White House meeting, President Richard Nixon and the Rev. Billy Graham, the nation’s best-known Christian evangelist, spoke together frankly about the Jewish grip on the …

Phil Giraldi: Zionists Seek to Shut You Up — Free Speech a Felony If It Tells the Truth About Genocidal Apartheid Criminal Zionism (Never to Be Confused with Judaism)

Zionists Have Feelings Too Words to criticize Israel are fast disappearing Words are important because how they are used and their context shapes the understanding of the reader or listener. In the United States there has been a concerted effort to equate any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism while simultaneously making anti-Semitism a hate crime …

Paul Craig Roberts: Trump Protects Genocidal Zionists

Trump Has Given Israel Immunity To International Law In the US the Israel Lobby has attempted to have the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, and the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act passed. However these acts clearly violate Constitutionally-protected free speech and protest, and Congress, although happy to please the Israel …