Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo – Tracebook or Facebook, Tool for Globalist Deep State and Fake News

Government to Facebook Pipeline Reveals a Corrupt Mix of Social Media and the State As the Free Thought Project has previously reported, the phrase “Facebook is a private company” is not accurate as they have formed a partnership with an insidious neoconservative “think tank” known as the Atlantic Council which is directly funded and made up of …

#GoogleGestapo — Pedophile Playground, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Particularly Culpable – Is ADL “Covering Up” to Aid Mossad Exploitation of Pedophiles?

YouTube Isn’t the Only Platform With a Pedophilia Problem When platforms care only about engagement, kids suffer. Of note: Department of Justice refuses to  enforce existing federal obscenity laws (hardcore pornography) despite the fact that these laws have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and previously enforced. This is gross negligence, itself a crime. …

Berto Jongman: Facebook Insider on How Facebook Censors President & Conservative Voices #GoogleGestapo Marches On, Still No RICO Action

Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview Facebook Engineer: “‘hateful’ content is coming from right-leaning sites.” “Special features” Triggered “leading up to important elections” Bizarre View of “hate speech” Includes Content from Conservative Commentator

Stephen E. Arnold: UK Report on Facebook as “Digital Gangster”

UK Report about Facebook, the Digital Gangster The hot read this morning is the UK’s report about a highly successful US company, Facebook. You can obtain a copy of the report at this link. Coverage of the report is extensive, and DarkCyber anticipates more analyses, explanations, and Twitterverse excitement as the report diffuses. Here are …