Mini-Me: All-Source Fusion “State of …”

Huh? 2013 Majority Staff Report on the National Network of Fusion Centers (HCHS) 2012 Data Fusion: Uncovering Data Patterns and Leveraging Multiple Data Sources (Tuttle & Rose, PPC) 2012 Sensor and Data Fusion: A Tool for Information Assessment and Decision-Making (SPIE, 2012)

Stephen E. Arnold: NSA and Google Compete for Internet – We All Lose

The NSA and Google Compete for the Internet, and We All Lose An article posted on Tech Eye titled US Spying is Killing the Internet Claims Google explains the outrage expressed by Google when it was released that the NSA had tapped into their system in order to obtain user information. Google’s security director Richard …

Marcus Aurelius: SecDef Puts Humans on the Block

SECDEF speaks; see article below.  Key points: First SOF Truth, equally applicable to every single element of the Joint Force, has been forgotten:  HUMANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWARE.  First SOF Truth, repeat after me, Mr. Secretary:  HUMANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HARDWARE. Troops and families — carriers of the rifles and the rucksacks and …

Mini-Me: NYT Discussion of Cutting Military Flag Officers + Meta-RECAP on Flag Waste and Corruption

Huh? Weighing the Brass New York Times, 5 November 2013 One of the hardest-hit areas being discussed in federal budget talks is the Pentagon, which would take an automatic $20 billion cut in January under sequestration. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel proposed a 20 percent cut in his own office’s budget, but command headquarters around …

John Rappoport: Promoting Diseases That Do Not Exist

Magic trick: promoting diseases that don’t exist The disease/treatment/profit machine requires more and more diseases, even if they aren’t real. Here is an unspoken but largely accepted medical notion of what a disease is: A group of physical symptoms shared by many people, which has a single cause. For example, take the flu. Wikipedia lists …

Penguin: Tomgram from Ann Jones The Afghanistan War Americans Cannot Remember, Afghans Will Never Forget

Some off notes, but seems a useful summary of the overall situation. Tomgram: Ann Jones, Americans Can’t Remember, Afghans Will Never Forget The Afghan War is officially winding down.  American casualties, generally from towns and suburbs you’ve never heard of unless you were born there, are still coming in.  Though far fewer American troops are …