Berto Jongman: Debka Alternative – Iranian Drone Big as a Helicopter, Captured Intact, Revealed Huge Gaps in Israeli Air Defenses

An alternative account. Israel & Iran at (Cyber) War  – How the “Beast of Kandahar” Was Looted by the “Mongrel of Tehran” Not quite an airplane, a helicopter or even a drone, the unmanned Iranian aerial vehicle that ambled into Israeli air space Saturday, Oct. 6 was one of oddest flying objects seen in international …

Chuck Spinney: TIME Blog on Key Questions That Don’t Get Asked in Presidential Debates

Key Questions That Don’t Get Asked in Presidential Debates By Chuck Spinney | October 11, 2012 For reasons that were quite clear well before the Afghan “surge” began (see here and here), America’s Afghan adventure is now ending without achieving its goals, despite Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s claim Wednesday in Brussels that “significant progress” has been made …

Paul Craig Roberts: Cynthia McKinney On Leadership

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership October 2, 2012 Those who have followed the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination and current contest between Romney and Obama know that the United States has no political leadership in Washington. Billions of dollars have been spent on political propaganda, but not a single important issue has been addressed. The …

Parag Khanna and Frank Jacobs: The New World – More Small Nations, New Economic Zones, High-Speed Rail, Singapore to Vladivostok to London — While the Americas Decline

The New World Frank Jacobs and Parag Khanna The New York Times Sunday Review, September 22, 2012 IT has been just over 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the last great additions to the world’s list of independent nations. As Russia’s satellite republics staggered onto the global stage, one could be …