Winslow Wheeler: Who Really Runs the Pentagon?

It’s not Chuck Hagel.  I explain in a commentary at Foreign Policy at, and below. The Men Who Really Run the Pentagon Bob Gates wrestled the defense budget back from the Joint Chiefs. Chuck Hagel is handing it back. Winslow Wheeler Winslow T. Wheeler is the director of the Straus Military Reform Project at …

Reflections on the Ecuador Initiative — Open Source Everything Combined with Ethical Evidence-Based Decision-Support 1.1

Michel Bauwens, founder of the Peer to Peer (P2P) Foundation and one of my personal pioneer heroes, is deeply engaged in Ecuador with a Presidential initiative. This endeavor could be world-changing, first in Ecuador, then across South America, and ultimately around the globe starting with the BRICS and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere. I …

Mini-Me: Is Google Stupid? Here’s The Plan — and the Phi Beta Iota Alternative

Huh? Google’s Grand Plan to Make Your Brain Irrelevant By Marcus Wohlsen WIRED 01.27.14 Google is on a shopping spree, buying startup after startup to push its business into the future. But these companies don’t run web services or sell ads or build smartphone software or dabble in other things that Google is best known …

Owl: Canada and US Treat Anti-Frackers as Terrorists

End-Game: Criminalizing ALL Protest Another depressing story of government-corporate corrupt cooperation, especially involving intelligence and law enforcement agencies. An image of fascism in motion. This section of the article refers to Canadian activities of said agencies:

Chuck Spinney: Corrupt Congress Spends on Contractor Waste Instead of Human Core

WEEKEND EDITION JANUARY 17-19, 2014 The Cockburn Report Defense Spending: Putting Toys Before Boys by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch Being pro-defense in the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles on the Potomac means, in the salty words of my late friend Col. David Hackworth, one of the U.S. Army’s most decorated combat soldiers, putting “the toys …