2003 Andregg (US) State of the Academic Tribe in 2003

Prof. Michael Andregg, Chief OSINT Shrink (USA) IOP ’06.  For academic excellence and support to the dual concepts of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) across all seven tribes of intelligence, and the urgent need for intelligence reform, inclusive of a psychological re-orientation away from compartmented lunacy and toward inclusive openness.  Professor Andregg embodies the concept of …

2003 Cammaert (NL) Reflections on Peace Intelligence with the Military Advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations

The Netherlands, MajGen Patrick Cammaert, Royal Marines IOP ’06.  MajGen Cammaert is recognized for his extraordinarily diplomatic and diligent furtherance of common sense and understanding at the highest levels of United Nations leadership, with respect to both the generic value of the process of intelligence to peacekeeping and conflict avoidance, and the specific value of open …