Reference: Republican “Pledge to America” Hyperbolic Hypocritical Crap Surpassed Only by Nancy Pelosi’s Ignorance of the Constitution

The “Pledge to America” is largely hyperbolic hypocritical crap. See Instead: Prefaces (Steele, Sanders, Atlee, Hartmann, Seagraves) Chapter: Paradigms of Failure Election 2008 Chapter: The Substance of Governance Election 2008 Chapter: Legitimate Grievances Election 2008 Chapter: Candidates on the Issues Election 2008: Balanced Budget 101 Election 2008 Chapter: Call to Arms, Fund We Not Them …

Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform

Lovely to see a search like this.  Here are the core references and then a comment and then a number of other references, but the reality is that this entire website is about creating a smart nation, and world brain, and four reforms: electoral, intelligence, governance, and national security. Afterthought:  all the references from the …