Marcus Aurelius: CIA’s Double Standard Exploitation of Secrecy — Use It to Hide Official Attrocities, While Screwing Iconoclasts + RECAP

Secret Double Standard By Ted Gup New York Times, January 9, 2013 Cambridge, Mass. — IN the last week, the American public has been reminded of the Central Intelligence Agency’s contradictory attitude toward secrecy. In a critique of “Zero Dark Thirty,” published last Thursday in The Washington Post, a former deputy director of the C.I.A., …

Marcus Aurelius: Fact-Checking CIA Fact-Checking 0 Dark 30 [with Robert Steele Fact-Checking Both] 1.2

Fact-Checking the CIA’s Fact-Check on ‘Zero Dark Thirty By J.K. Trotter | The Atlantic Wire – Fri, Dec 28, 2012 “The CIA is a lot different than Hollywood portrays it to be,” reads an official explainer issued today by the Central Intelligence Agency — a thinly veiled attempt to continue debunking Zero Dark Thirty, the controversial Oscar favorite that …

Winslow Wheeler: Will Chuck Hagel Stand Up to Drone Lobby?

Everyone has an opinion and the speculation is almost entirely based on what former Senator Hagel has said, rather than his actions–or lack of them–which speak a lot louder. Take an acutely political career that seems to have valued words above everything and match it with Pentagon myths about defense systems, and you get a somewhat different …

DefDog: Panetta at Press Club — Pathetic! & Comment by Robert Steele with Remedial Reading List

While touted as strategy, I fail to see any, more like wishful thinking and hope…..and as we all know, Hope is Not a Strategy…. Remarks by Secretary Panetta at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LEON E. PANETTA:  Thank you very much, Theresa, for that kind introduction.  And thank you for the …