Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping, Neogeography, and the Delusion of Democratization

Crisis Mapping, Neogeography and the Delusion of Democratization Professor Muki Haklay kindly shared with me this superb new study in which he questions the alleged democratization effects of Neogeography. As my colleague Andrew Turner explained in 2006, “Neogeography means ‘new geography’ and consists of a set of techniques and tools that fall outside the realm of …

SmartPlanet: Is a free nationwide WiFi network coming to the U.S.?

Is a free nationwide WiFi network coming to the U.S.? Tyler Falk, 4 February 2013 The United States government wants to make access to fast and free WiFi as easy as accessing public roads. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has proposed to free up digital infrastructure to allow free public access to WiFi — more powerful …

Yoda: US Diplomatic-Commercial Internet Initiative — Affordable Good, Proprietary Bad

Half-full, glass is. Hillary Clinton Helps Silicon Valley on Her Way Out the Door Elizabeth Dwoskin BloombergBusinessWeek, 4 February 2013 Taking the podium in the State Department’s Ben Franklin Room one last time on Thursday before stepping down, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thanked lots of people, offered reminiscences, and announced a flurry of last-minute …

Michel Bauwens: Cloud Computing as Virtual Prison

Cloud Computing as Enclosure 15th January 2013 Republished from David Bollier: “As more and more computing moves off our PCs and into “the Cloud,” Internet users are gaining access to a wealth of new software-based services that can exploit vast computing capacity and memory storage. That’s wonderful. But what about our freedom to create and …

Berto Jongman: “National Information Power” Old Think

SOME OBSERVATIONS ALONG THE ROAD TO “NATIONAL INFORMATION POWER” WILLIAM GRAVELL* I. INTRODUCTION When examining the technologies associated with information in its many forms, America has truly been blessed—or cursed, depending on your point of view—with an abundance of energy and inventiveness. Through the genius of Bell and Edison, and more recently, the products of …

SchwartzReport: End of Bulk Cable, Begining of Selective Wireless Channel Access

Intel Is Reportedly Going To Destroy The Cable Model By Offering People The Ability To Subscribe To Individual Channels Intel is reportedly on the cusp of delivering something that consumers around the world have been wanting for a long, long time.Kelly Clay at Forbes reports Intel is going to blow up the cable industry with …