Journal: Intelligence & Innovation Support to Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, & Acquisition

Chuck Spinney is still the best “real” engineer in this town–almost everyone else is staggering after fifty years of government-specification cost-plus engineering.  Also, as Chuck explores in the piece on Complexity to Avoid Accountability is Expensive we in the “requirements” business are as much to blame–Service connivance with complexity has killed acquisition from both a …

Worth a Look: Digital Democracy–Possibilities

Wiki Government: How Technology Can Make Government Better, Democracy Stronger, and Citizens More Powerful “A sweeping visionary yet highly pragmatic book! Beth Noveck concretely shows how to leverage the participatory nature of web 2.0 technologies to build a new kind of participatory democracy and a smart, lean government. She speaks from experience. A must read …

Reference (2010): Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan

UPDATE: A colleague from within asked us to highlight this quote with the observation that neither the US IC nor DoD have any clue how to execute.  We agree.  Both lack leadership with vision and multinational panache; they simply do not know what they do not know because they have both wasted the last 21 …