Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 69 December 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 69, December 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 74,210 other activists. That’s 1,702 more than last month!View this issue online here: TABLE OF CONTENTS Build us up! Free software is a cornerstone of …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM’s Watch Goes Shopping — Big Data Heuristics Hit a New Low

IBM Watson Apps Due Next Year December 22, 2013 To what pressing issue is IBM now applying Watson’s superior (artificial) intellect? Why, to shopping, of course. Business Insider reports, “IBM’s Jeopardy-Winning Supercomputer Will Power a ‘Cognitive, Expert Personal Shopper’ App Next Year.” Writer Dylan Love was especially taken by one app on the horizon from …

Chuck Spinney: Climate Warming Bottom Line + Global Warming @ PBI

The central fact is that there exists great uncertainty about the long-term dynamics of the global climate system.  This fact, however, is not reflected in the partisan positions of either side in the highly-charged political debate over climate change. The recently published IPCC report (AR5) raised a host of questions relating to how AR5 dealt …

Jean Lievens: Diana Filippova from Paris – Collective Intelligence or Digital Total War?

Of cooperation between men and machine For a peer-to-peer approach to collective intelligence It’s eight a.m. on a Monday morning in 2007. In the Arcueil examination centre, a thousand heads crane with difficulty over wooden desks that are damaged by pens scratching across thin sheets of paper. Railway lines surround the enclave; trains make the …

Jean Lievens: BIll Moyers on The Great American Class War – Plutocracy versus Democracy + Bill Moyers @ PBI & Democracy @ PBI

Bill Moyers | The Great American Class War: Plutocracy vs. Democracy By Bill Moyers, TomDispatch | Speech Excerpt Thursday, 12 December 2013 09:14 I met Supreme Court Justice William Brennan in 1987 when I was creating a series for public television called In Search of the Constitution, celebrating the bicentennial of our founding document.  By …