SchwartzReport: All Dried Up – China Water Crisis

All Dried Up The Economist (U.K.) Water is destiny. And here, once again, is evidence of this. China’s water and, thus, food problems hold tremendous implications for not just China but the world. BEIJING — CHINA endures choking smog, mass destruction of habitats and food poisoned with heavy metals. But ask an environmentalist what is …

Chuck Spinney: How Contemporary War “Reporting” Messes Up Your OODA Loops

The attached article is a very important and informative essay.  Patrick Cockurn describes how the media echo chamber warps the Orientation* of the public, as well as that of a government, to unfolding events in the so-called global war on terror that triggered by 9-11 and the continuously metastasizing instabilities the GWOT is unleashing.  I regard …

Review: Pakistan on the Brink–The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan

Ahmed Rashid REF A — 12 Years of Lessons Learned in Time for 2014, October 13, 2013 This is an extraordinary book that required a great deal of time, not in the reading, but in the reflection. This will be a longer review than usual, even for me, because this book contains all of the …

David Sabow: BETRAYAL – Toxic Murder of US Marines and US Government Cover-Up

This should be read by everyone who believes that those within the DC-BELTWAY are here to protect and represent you and your families. I can personally tell you how vicious they can be when you are about to expose them. They assassinated my brother, Colonel James e. Sabow, USMC, Jimmy. and they have tried everything …

Owl: Dominionists — Rabid, Stupid, and Unchecked by a Government That Lacks Integrity

Chris Hedges: Ted Cruse and Radical Republicans Implementing Dominionst/Christian Reconstructionism Agenda, “They seek total cultural and political domination” Hedges explains one of the largest pieces of the puzzle on why the Republicans are willing to go for broke in the battle of the budget default and government shutdown and unlikely to halt the stalemate with …

SchwartzReport: Could Libertarian Party Rise from the Ashes of a Divided Republican Party (The Rich and the Insane?)

Here is an excellent fact-based assessment of what has happened to the Republican Party. It confirms what I have been saying for several years now, and presents the facts as to why I think these gerrymandered districts — the Suicide Caucus, as Lizza calls it — are going to present a permanent minority. And why …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense Orders Most Furloughed Players Back to Work

Not sure just what this really means — What does “most” mean? I read the language of the law, which extremely broad and permissive. DoJ and, of course DoD (little difference) attorneys appear to have construed the language VERY, VERY narrowly SECDEF’s memo, link highlighted, follows suit, seeming to focus on employees doing things like …