ReThink: Top Ten Ideas of 2010 Plus One

Top 10 rethinking ideas of 2010, plus one. The first “duh” innovation awards 11) NETFLIX $600M Spend. 10) MICROSOFT KINECT. 9)  GYRO-COPTER. 8) iPAD. 7) KODAK MOMENT. 6) SOLVEMEDIA. 5) DOXO. 4) COINSTAR. 3) AUTOMATED SERVICES 3GTV. 1) FASTMAC. Read paragraphs about each of the above…. Tip of the Hat to Ric Merrifield at ReThink.

Who’s Who in Cyber-Intelligence: Robert Garigue

Dr. Robert Garigue passed away 10 January 2007 at the age of 55.  He was the only person we knew then or know of today that was deliberately and completely integrating belief systems, knowledge, information, data, security, and technology as a single cyberspace. He rose to early prominence and global respect among the information security …

Graphic: OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act)

Simplified: Nuanced: Credit Simplied Credit Nuanced See Also: Journal: Spinney, Boyd, Green, Kuhn on “Can America Be Salvaged?–Public Intelligence Aspects” Review: Boyd–The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War Review (Guest): Science, Strategy and War–The Strategic Theory of John Boyd