Search: public administration in 21 century

UPDATE: Abstract modified by Tom Atlee New Abstract posted. 4 Comments Received Harrison Owen: Public Administration in the 21st Century In the Dark of Night: Public Administration in the 21st Century Harrison Owen: Public Administration in the 21st Century II In the Dark of the Night: Public Administration in the 21st Century II Preliminary reception:  …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link

Tom Atlee: New Developments in Co-Intelligence Work

Dear friends, This last six months most of the Co-Intelligence Institute’s best work has been in behind-the-scenes exploratory conversations, research and development.  We expect the results of all that to become increasingly evident soon. Here’s a sky-view of what we’ve been up to.  I invite you to consider what impact this kind of work has …